Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Space and Light at Leadenhall Market, then relocated to my friend's living room

I started photographing for the project 'Space and light' at Leadenhall Market at one particular time; namely late evening. I had been inspired as shown in the previous post by Blaine Ellis' - 'Where Light Dwells' and so had purposefully chosen a location where light could enter through windows.

   Leadenhall Market was fine for lighting in the evening with many lamps in the vicinity and I got some atmospheric shots. I thought the (almost fully) artificial lighting made the space seem a lot more intimate and the people within too. I could see by looking at the photographs I took at this time that the reason for this was the warm 'glow' produced by the lamps. They provided a mostly yellow colour, which was mirrored by the walls.

3. Morning comparison
   However I found out that the morning shot I had planned for didn't work for two reasons. Firstly the lamps were still on quite late into the day and secondly not enough was coming in through the windows even though the Sun was shining brightly.

4. Evening comparison
5. Late evening comparison
   I decided to relocate to somewhere a lot more convenient (as the course had suggested initially) and I settled on my friend's living room where light entered at both morning and evening through the windows.

   In the morning there was for me a quite dreamy, tranquil feel to the room. Later in the evening the atmosphere was much more warm and mellow with lots more contrast. In both the morning and the evening the light from the opposite windows created long, dramatic shadows across the room.

6. Morning 1
   Lastly, for late evening I took a last photo with the house lights on, which I wasn't surprised to see (as I had already discovered it with Leadenhall Market) changed the atmosphere of the living space so that it became more intimate. In keeping with this'intimacy' I took some of the late evening photographs from a low user viewpoint to get across the closeness of the atmosphere this lighting produced.
7. Morning 2
9. Evening 2

8. Evening 1

10. Late evening 1
11. Late evening 2
12. Late evening 3
   What I came away with from this exercise was that light and shadows could change the complexion of a room radically and alter the mood of the photograph. I found the research I conducted in the previous post to be helpful and leave me with a lasting impression: what could be achieved with striking lighting in an interior. If I could have improved anything in this project it would for me to have found a space where the rays of light were visible entering the space like in Blaine Ellis' photographs - 'Where Light Dwells' as mentioned in the previous post.

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