Saturday, 17 November 2012

Sleep Out

Simon Roberts made an impression on me with his high viewpoints, particularly in 'The Election Project', which helped show the scenes 'objectively' rather than making it 'subjective'. I felt this was useful in 'The Election Project' as the viewpoints chosen helped inform the viewer as the 'action' took place in the middle of the frame. It also gave the viewer a unique perspective, obviously visually, because they were looking over from distance rather than in among what was going on. This let the viewer decide what to infer from the photographs, which was different from many of the photographers I had been looking at, where it was more 'forced'. This wasn't to say the photographs were any less 'personal', often 'revealing' themselves after a closer look.

   In practise I discovered it was pretty difficult to reach or gain access to such high viewpoints but I persevered; hoping at least one of my shots for 'Alternative London' would be captured from a high vantage point. I improvised, and using my articulating LCD screen that my camera possessed I managed to achieve a relatively high viewpoint. This was standing on top of a small ledge and holding the camera above my head as described.

6. Sleep Out
   The high viewpoint I found overlooked an organised event aimed to help raise awareness of homelessness, which was called Centrepoint Sleep Out 2012. I was able to capture an image that documented the event, where voluntary fundraisers decided to sleep out the night. Using Simon Roberts' technique of using a high viewpoint and letting the middle ground tell the story I took a wide angle shot of one side of the scene. The signs did help show what kind of event was occurring and the middle ground (a few of the fundraisers getting into 'bed') informed the viewer what all the bags were for.

   Another point I wanted to get across in this photo was how it could be related to the homeless man next to the Centrepoint building (photograph number 3 of this assignment). It showed perhaps there are people who care and are aware of that 'alternative' side to London.

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